October 10, 2007 |
Bali tip sheet |
When to come
Bali has five tourist seasons. The best one for you depends on variables such as time, money, weather, and availability.
Pre-prime season - From April to May. Rooms in Bali are easily found and prices, crowds and the weather are moderate.
Prime season - Spans May through September. Sunny days rule -- it seldom rains. However, prices and crowding soar, and airline seats and hotel rooms in Bali are heavily booked, particularly in August.
Post-prime season - From September to mid December. Variables similar to the pre-prime season (see).
Holiday season - Spans mid-December to early-January when visitors come for their Christmas and New Year's vacations. Like the prime season, prices and crowds rise -- and airline seats and hotel space become scarce. The biggest difference is more rain.
Rainy season - This category spans from early-January to April (though the actual rainy season starts in December). Everything comes down -- prices, crowds, room scarcity and, of course, the rain. That's not as bad as it seems because the rainfall is the refreshing warm tropical variety (not the cold damp type Temperate Zone residents experience). Moreover, there will always be plenty of sun during the rainy season.
How long to stay
Don't underestimate the number of days you'll need. I've asked many a traveler who has been to Bali, "What was your biggest misgiving about your Bali vacation." Most responded that they wished they had added more days to their Bali trips.
At the very least, you need 10 to 14 days. A month would be even better. Bali has many interesting...
It's a fun sport worth learning because it will save you money in Bali. All it takes is a little practice to gain your confidence.
Many sellers automatically inflate their prices beforehand in the expectation that you will bargain them down. If you don't, you're going to grossly overpay -- and often earn their disrespect for being naive.
If something doesn't have a price tag, the cost is likely negotiable. If it is marked, you have to trust your instinct whether to negotiate or not. Obviously, most merchants like quality pharmacies, upmarket hotel stores and major departments stores seldom if ever negotiate. But you may be surprised at the number of upscale sellers that do (including exclusive art studios and galleries).
Here's how to negotiate. First, establish in your mind what you're truly willing to pay (your ultimate max). Next, ask the seller, "What's your very, very lowest price?" Offer considerably less than what he quotes you (don't be shy about offering 50% of his opening figure). Then -- after a series of friendly back-and-forth counter offers -- you and the vendor reach a mutually fair and acceptable figure.
Money exchange
Knowing the options can noticeably decrease the cost of your Bali vacation.
Credit cards - Pay for your purchases with a major credit card -- American Express, MasterCard or Visa -- whenever possible. The applied rate of exchange used by those cards to calculate your statement billings is likely to be more favorable to you than if you exchanged cash or (especially) travelers checks into the Indonesian currency, the rupiah.
Cash vs traveler checks - You receive a noticeably better exchange rate for a major foreign currency than you will for travelers checks. Moreover, you often have to pay an extra fee for cashing travelers checks - that's in addition to the fee you originally paid to purchase them.
Which currency to bring? - You gain more buying power if you exchange hard-currency cash -- such as the Japanese Yen, and Australian Dollar. But for the highest relative rate, bring US dollars or Euros.
Dollar denominations - The dollar denomination affects the exchange rate. Prime reason: The larger the denomination, the less likely the bill will be a counterfeit. That's why US$100 bills get appreciably better rates than $50 bills, which get appreciably better rates than $20 bills. Only some money exchangers bother with $10 bills -- and if you have $5 and $1 bills, forget it. Whatever the denomination, bring the latest design style of US currency. And, be sure notes are crisp, unmarred and unwrinkled.
Money exchangers - Professional money exchange establishments (particularly those in Kuta's main shopping areas) normally give you significantly better exchange rates than banks, which in turn give you appreciably better rates than you get at hotels and the airport. Note: Although nearly all Balinese money exchangers are honest, there are a few who "accidentally" miscount, use sleight of hand deception, use rigged calculators or tag on unexpected commissions. Best to get a reliable local source to point you to one of the many reliable money exchangers.
Taxi meters
Cab fares in Bali are very low if you're charged the metered rate. As you step into a taxi, specify to the driver that you want the meter to run. If he says his meter is broken, get out because it's likely a ruse. Once the cab gets rolling, be sure the meter is running. Otherwise, you risk being charged an exorbitant fare.
Cab fleets in Bali are color coded. The white taxis branded "Bali Taxi Company" are one of the trustworthy fleets.
Car hire
While it makes sense to rent a car in most places, it usually doesn't in Bali. For the same amount you would pay to rent a small car (about $50), you can hire a comfortable automobile that comes with a capable driver plus a knowledgeable guide.
Remember, in Bali, it's easy for strangers to get lost, cars drive on the left, roads are very narrow, oncoming traffic passes you with inches to spare, vehicles dart out from side streets without warning, some vehicles don't use lights at night. Should you have an accident, you won't be able to leave the country until damages are settled -- even if the accident is the other guy's fault. So sit back, leave the driving to your chauffeur and enjoy the passing Bali scenery.
The intense overhead equatorial light can turn great shots into poor ones. For vividly color photos of scenes such as temples and rice paddies, click them in the early morning or late afternoon.
Respect Balinese customs, rituals and sensibilities (remember, you are a guest on their island).
This means, for example: Don't take a picture of anyone without first obtaining permission. Don't enter a temple unless you're completely covered knees to shoulders. Ditto if you're menstruating. Don't touch anyone's head or point at someone. Don't expose the sole of your shoe by, for instance, crossing your legs as you sit. Don't give or receive an object with your left hand.
Confirm your reservations in Bali 72 hours before departure time. Otherwise, with some airlines, you could be bumped off the confirmed reservation list.
Always call the airline before heading to the airport. Cancellations of flights to other islands is not a rarity places and activities.Labels: Made's Tip |
posted by Admin @ 9:41 PM  |